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bio201 final term solved papers by moaaz
bio201 final term solved papers by moaaz
bio201 Past Paper Shared by Rana 2019
stem cells(2),
MHC and its types(5),
sheep cloning(5),
antibodies names (3),
negitive role of transcriptio(2),
antigen present on the surface of Bcells(3),
adult stem cells(5),
regulatory responses(2),
promoting of oncogenes(5)
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bio201 final term solved papers
bio201 Past Paper Shared by Shazia 2018
MHC and its types (5 marks)
CaM kinase ll role in movemnt of muscles.(5 marks)
Gene mapping
Missense mutation
Five classes of antibodies
Uv in sterlization of equipment
Cell cycle (long)
Confluent and post confluency stages
Homotypic and heterotypic fusion
Cholesterol and its derivatives..
bio201 final term solved papers
bio201 final term solved papers
bio201 Past Paper Shared by Sana 2016
1. how VU light help to sterilization the equipment
2. Describe RNA types nd their functions
3. Differeniate between homotypic and hetrotypic fusion
4. How G protein involved in formation of GDP?
5. Differentiate between T cell nd B cell
6. Enlist 5 types of antibiotics
7. Diffreniate between confluent monolayer nd confluency stages
8. How does CaM KinaseII involve in muscular movement ?
9. Write steps involving E-colisignalling
10. Transcriptions diagnosis
11. How antibody help the surface to produce B cells?
bio201 final term paper
bio201 final term papers
bio201 final term
bio201 Past Paper Shared by Arslan 2016
Antibody name that appear on the surface of
developing B cell. 2 marks
The endopasmic Raticulum is gauided to ER by
which 2 components. 2 marks
plz elaborate points between mereged cAMP
activity. 2 marks
define codon. 2 marks
difference b/w klinefelter syndrome and
turner syndrome. 2 marks
how turbutalene and b blocker affect the function of epinephrine adrenaline. 5 marks
difference b/w confluent monolyer and post confluency stages. 5 marks
describe the larger subunit of ribosomes. 5 marks
define regulatory regions and it's two elements. 3 marks
define carbohydrates and discuss it's classes. 3 marks
do u know abt endocytosis? diffrentiation b/w phagocytosis and pinocytosis.
bio201 final term past paper
bio201 final term
Categories: Virtual University
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