
CS401 Midterm Past Paper

CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

Mcqs past se nhi aye thy
JNZ ki definition
Aik code
Segments ko define krna Tha
Cherectiristic of iapx8088 explain krny thy

CS401 past papers,

CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

Paper easy tha mcqs sary start waly lectures se thy 3 4 past pperz se thy subjective b easy ta jk question opcode wala ik subroutines wala ik interstring intra string segment py ta

CS401 Mid term Solved MCQs and Subjective With References by Moaaz,

CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

Bubble sort k through 2 arrays sort karny thy.
2. Mov ax (0117) ka matlab kia hai?
3. MOVS se related bht sy mcqs thy and 1 5 marks ka long question b.

CS401 Current paper 2017 Shared by Student

Show the multiplication of binary numbers in detail 1101 and 0101.
Write two prefixes of CMPS and give example of these prefixes.
What is the function of segment override prefix and what changes it brings to the opcode?
What are the different types of jumps available? Describe position relative addressing.
Calculate the physical memory address generated by the following segment offset pairs (the numbers are in hexadecimal).
A. 0010:0200
B. 0100:ADCD

CS401 Current paper Shared by Seher 2017

Objective 30% Moaaz File
Subject Call function define 5 marks
32 bit shift left etc ka code 5 marks
some code instruction the or un k group likhny thy k ye kis group se hian 5 marks
es bar 2 marks k question he nh thy
or 3 waly yad he nh a rhay kiya thy

CS401 Current paper 2017 Shared by Student

Mcq's was easy mostly from first lectures.
1:What is purpose of direction flag?
2:Write instruction of following:
MOV AX middle brackets mein 0x10
3:how characters are displayed on monitor screen?

CS401 Current paper 2017 Shared by Student

My paper today..
18 MCQs
MCQs were not from past papers but they were not quite hard. Just clarification was different while concept was same.
3 marks questions:
Q1. How SP(stack pointer) is affected by push and pop instruction?
Q2. Two line of code was given and had to make it a one line with same meaning that 2 lines was elaborating.
5 marks question:
Q1. What are the consequences of AND operation in selective bit manipulation? Give solution to this consequences.
Q2. 1st assignment of spring 2k17. The difference was it was asking just 3 characters instead of 10
Q3. Write assembly language code to set ES to default and write another code to print A on the screen with blue background and white foreground.

CS401 Current paper 2017 Shared by Student

my todays paper
1) what is diff b/w BX and AX register 3mrks
2)why Sp change every time by push and pop 3mrks
3) write the command to access the debugger and explain each portion of debugger 5mrks
4) how character are displayed on the moniter screen 5mrks
5) write the code in assemly language
if (ax>bx>cx)&&(bx>cx>dx)
and ax==5

CS401 Current paper 2017 Shared by Student

bht easy ppr tha :D jo mene prha bs wohi aya
Q. Marks 3. MOV NUM1, 5 find errors in this and correct them.
Q. Marks 3. Stack behaviour LIFO explain krna tha.
Short Jump ka aik Question tha 5 marks ka.
ASCII stands for ?? MCQ :p
Interrupts have ____ classes. MCQ
Assmbler Directives DB n DW k 2 MCQs thy..Bits puchaY huaY thaY DB n DW k lye...
Index Register kya store krta hai..MCQ.
Registers ...Shiftings n Rotations, aur loGical Operations AND OR XOR NOT me c saray MCQs thy

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CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

Past paper : 2 Mcqs, 1 question of 3 marks
2 questions of marks 3
1- what colors are represented by 0th, 1st and 2nd bits from the least significant side in attribute byte.
3 Questions of 5 marks:
Q1- explain which one of the following conditions are legal/illegal with reason:
I) mov ax, bx
II) mov 10, ax
III) mov bx, [num2]
IV) mov [num1],[num2]
V) add [num2],[num1]
Q2- identify 2 prefixes meaningful with CMPS instructions.
Q3- what will be the value of destination operand if ax=00110011 and bx=00010001
I) And ax,bx
II) OR ax,bx
III) Xor ax,2nd
IV) test ax,bx

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CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

asalam u alikum Cs401 current paper..
10 mcqs from past moaaz files and others were conceptual....
2 questions of 3 marks and 3 questions of 5 marks...
Write instructions that copy the content of 0025 into Ax register.
Marks 3 different between interrupt number and interrupt handler
marks 3 In direct addressing mode how memory to memory transfer data
marks 5. Write a program to add first 5, odd number and store the sum in dx 5 marks. Overall paper was tough

CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

Mcqs from the past papers ans some conceptual as well
Question 1Repeated parity bit
Queztion 2 Direction of the data bus in Read and write
Some values are given had to add multiply and subtract in the code of assembly language like 27,18 add these two values then result will multiply by 76 and the whole result will be substrates by 5 all you have to do in assemble language
Question Ax>Bx>cx&&Bx>DX<CA
QUESTION Rep prefix
Over all not tough not easy

CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

Mcqs 80% from siddhu,
Subjective me stack
Push pop ka ek program
Memory access

CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

My Cs 401 Paper
Total Question 23
Mcqs 18
Subjective 05
80-90% Mcqs From Moaaz and Waqar Siddu Past Papers.
How can we represent Indexed Register Indirect + Offset. Show with Example (2 Marks)
How Nomenclature can be observed in computer architecture? Explain with 2 Examples (2 Marks)
LDS SI [BP+4] explain this statement? . (3 Marks)
In which situation we have to use short jump? Explain with Example (3 Marks)
How we can differentiate inter-segment call with intra-segment call? (5 Marks)

CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

10 mcqs from past moaaz files and others were conceptual.... 2 questions of 3 marks and 3 questions of 5 marks...
Write instructions that copy the content of 0025 into Ax register. Marks 3 different between interrupt number and interrupt handler marks 3
In direct addressing mode how memory to memory transfer data marks 5. Write a program to add first 5, odd number and store the sum in dx 5 marks. Overall paper was tough

CS401 Current paper 2019 Shared by Student

Mcqs almost from past moaaz file
1. Example of Based index indirect method 3marks
2. Convert pseudo code to assembly language code
3. Stack is Data structure, while keep in mind how is CALL similar to PUSH operation.
4. Indirect method different techniques, kuch yad nahi
5. Bhol gaya

CS401 Current paper 2016 Shared by Student

My today CS401 PAPER. Mid term (28-05-2016) By Uzair
MCQ'S easy thy.
1. LET ax contain number beteeen 0-15 write assembly program code to complement the corresponding bit in bx. 5 marks
2. What is divide overflow error, complete code, mov ax,...........
DIV bl...... 5 marks.
3. Explain how Sp will change in decrementing stack when instruction push ax is excuted? 3 marks
4.When Z flag is set... 3 marks
5.define de facto standard, give example 2 marks
6.what is difference between JNA and JBE .... 2 marks
Remember me in your prayer smile emoticon

CS401 Current paper 2016 Shared by Student

Assalam o ALaikum.
Ppr easy tha ALhamdulillah .....
mcqs past pprs se kafi aye thy .....
Q: what is difference between JNA and JBE .... 2 marks
Q: multiplication ka process batana tha.. 1101 , 0101 ka... 2 marks
Q:XCHG instruction ka batana hai ....3 marks.
Q: 2 array di hoin thin jika program likhna tha unko swapp using stack ka.... 3 marks
Q: what is short jump. also write example. 5 marks
Q:What is divide overflow error, complete code,
mov ax,...........
mov bl,...........
DIV bl...... 5 marks.

CS401 Current paper 2016 Shared by Student

Q1: Show complete process to multiply two binary number 1101, 0101 (3)
Answer: Chapter 4 Bit Mamipulation first page pr hy
Q2: What is difference between JNA and JBE (2) marks
JNA = jump not above
JBE = jump below or equal
Q3: Write a assembly coad to sort two aray with bubble sort (5)
Q4: A aray was given to sort with bubble sort write coad (5)
Q5: Write 2 other standers for computer other then ASCII (2 marks)
Answer: Gray Coad
EBCDIC(please confirm this from book)

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