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cs411 final term solved papers by moaaz
cs411 final term solved papers by moaaz
cs411 final term solved papers
cs411 final term solved papers
cs411 finalterm solved papers pdf
cs411 finalterm solved papers pdf
cs411 finalterm solved papers
CS411 Final Term Current 23 Feb 2019 paper 1
CS411 Final term current paper (latest).
Total questions=50
Long Questions. 10
Around 20 MCQs were from past papers remaining were new and from handouts.
1.Write the description of Shiftkey and which.
2.Ajax is interaction of which type of technologies?
3. When browser send request to web server,in which format server sends back information to web server? Give four examples.
4. Write the code to background for window WPF. Also give any three color.
5. Modify the stockpanel code to add any three color for stock panel(Stock panel code was given).
6. Write the properties of touch point?
7. Is Javascript another form of java if no then tell valid reason.
8. One question is alos from coding.
Two question are not remember.
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