cs706 final term solved papers by moaaz
cs706 final term solved papers by moaaz
cs706 final term solved papers
cs706 final term solved papers
cs706 finalterm solved papers pdf
cs706 finalterm solved papers pdf
cs706 finalterm solved papers
Reply by Rana on February 18, 2018 at 6:20pm
My today cs706 paper
There are 7 descriptive questions
in which 3 are 5 numbers and 4 are 10 number while 10 questions are mcq,s
All question from past papers
Testing strategies
Testing categories
Debugging methods
Objective of process improvement
False espectation from auto testing
Ieee sqap management section
And quality attributes
Reply by Rana on February 29, 2016 at 9:57pm
Cs 706 today paper 2:00 pm
Q1: Mcq's 10 questions
Q2: Explain the process of debugging.
Q3: Explain the SCM function "Status Accounting/reporting.
Q4: Explain software maintenance backlog indexes and fix response time.
Q5: Briefly explain Loop testing
Q6: Briefly explain unit testing
Q7: Practices for maintaing versions of software artifacts
Q8: Explain quality metric function unit.
Very strange teacher want to target me to give paper of 65 marks every paper 60 marks.
Date: 29-02-2016
Subject: CS 706
Time: 08:00
Total Marks: 65
10 MCQs 10 Marks
Establish Measurement 5 Marks
What is bugs/errors? 5 Marks
IEEE SCM Plan “Introduction†5 Marks
Debugging and its approaches 10 Marks
Seven tracked measures explain every measure. 10 Marks
Loop Testing 10 Marks
Reply by Smile, Its Sunnah on March 5, 2016 at 10:04pm
cs706 today paper..
1 mcq 10 marks
2 white box testing approaches
3 estimation and project tracking
4 SCM staffing
5 benifits of quality metrics
6. another question related to quality matrics
7. benifits of automated tests cases
8. define process of debugging...
cs706 paper (10 marks mcqs)
SCM functions
white box testing approaches
Density of defect" "mean time failure " and " defect severity
measrement for outsourcing project
Activities step of SCM
The paper of cs 706 include
1.SCM function infuse visibility
CMMI capability model
Software MEtrics
Questions about testing techniques
Design test cases
best change control
best practice for commercial and military sofware projects
Characteristics of bugs/defects.
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Join VU GroupReply by Smile, Its Sunnah :) on March 5, 2016 at 10:26pm
cs706 paper
1. benefits of software metrics
2.explain integration testing.
3.scm infuse visibility.
4.guidlines for test plan.
5.procedure for development of scm.
6.note on cyclometic complexity.
7.explain conditional testing.
8.10 mcqs
cs706 final term past papers by moaaz
cs706 final term past papers by moaaz
cs706 finalterm past papers mega file
cs706 finalterm past papers mega file
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