
cs716 final term solved papers by moaaz

cs716 final term solved papers by moaaz

cs716 Past Paper Shared by Uzma 2016

1. Explain how Transfer protocol is provided connection oriented service on datagram
network? 5
2. Explain two main problem in RPC 5
3. Why Explicit- control in congestion feedback in not used much. What are the other ways
to cope with this problem? 5
4. What are the real time applications? Give three Examples of Real time applications. 5
5. What are the basic services provided by cryptosystems? Explain briefly. 5
6. Describe Denial of Service attack. 5
7. Explain TCP congestion control. 15
8. If A and B use symmetric key cryptography. How many key(s) is/are used. Describe key
distribution methods. 15
Total 60 marks

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cs716 final term solved papers

cs716 final term solved papers

cs716 Past Paper Shared by Shazia 2016

1. What is the difference between flow control and congestion control? 5 marks
2. Remote procedure call with reference to client server model 5 marks
3. Major issues of real time traffic 5 marks
4. TCP congestion control strategy 15 marks
5. Real time transfer protocol 15 marks
6. Three main issues of Inter-Domain Routing 15 mark

cs716 final term solved papers

cs716 final term solved papers

cs716 Past Paper Shared by Sana 2016

1. What is real-time application? Give example real-time application. 5
2. What is RSVP 5
3. Problems in RPC 5
4. Basic services of cryptosystem 5
5. Basic hardware needs to establish a network 5
6. What is triangular inequality in network problem? How will be solved 5
7. Calculate forwarding table maintains for giving data with diagram. 15
8. BGP - 4 token bucket filter 15

cs716 final term paper

cs716 final term papers

cs716 final term past papers


cs716 final term

cs716 final term past paper

cs716 final term past papersb 2016


cs716 final term

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