
hrm627 midterm solved papers by moaaz

hrm627 midterm solved papers by moaaz

hrm627 midterm solved papers

hrm627 midterm solved papers

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hrm627 midterm solved papers

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hrm627 mid term past papers by moaaz

hrm627 mid term past papers by moaaz

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HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by umar farooq khan on December 17, 2016 at 7:03pm
HRM-627 17 MCQs ……Mostly new but fairly easy
1) Stages of group development 2) One question about HDI
3) What is meant by kinesthetic sub modalities
4) Identify any fine prerequisites of organizational democracy
5) Difference between Hearing and listening
6) Difference between health and fitness

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by Rafia on June 23, 2015 at 11:28am

    My paper of HRM 627

    Q1.Group development?

    Q2.Gini coeffcient?

    Q3.Nonverbal communication supports vercal communication?

    Q4.Scenario was given for explain complementary,crossed and ulterior transactions.

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

 Reply by iqra jahangir on June 24, 2015 at 8:29pm

    My paper today.

    1. skills to become effective communicator.3

    2. Advantages of functional team.3

    3. Briefly explain forms of non listening.5

    4. Problems facing in visual communication.5

    5. Question to tell which is complementary,cross and ulterior transactions .5

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by Humna Afzal on June 7, 2014 at 12:17pm

    My today paper

    MCQ'S 18

    2 Questions of 3 marks

    3 Questions of 5 marks

    1. how leaders seek to build trust.

    2.  skills to become effective communicator.

    3. what are the ingredients of balanced diet.

    4. what are the factors which distort the effective communication.

    5. what are the five aspects to sustainable human development affecting living of poor and vulnerable.

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by afaf on June 8, 2014 at 10:29pm
    My today's exam questions:
    1. Briefly describe stages of aerobic exercise?
    2. Explain ulterior transaction? Give an example.
    3. Do you think poverty effects HRD? Explain if it does or it doesn't.
    4. Explain kinesthetic submodalities. Write 3 common expressions based on kinesthtic submodalities.
    5. Briefly explain forms of non listening.

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by Sidra Baber on June 11, 2014 at 11:23am

    My today Paper

    1) Difference b/w health and fitness? 3 marks

    2) what is formal group and informal group? 3 marks

    3) skills to become effective communication? 5 marks

    4) what are the factors which distort of the effective listening? 5 marks

    5) last wala yaad nahi

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by rubeena malik on December 22, 2013 at 4:56pm

    27 ques

    22 mcqs



    difference between listening and hearing

    open book management

    HDI dimensions

    group development stages

    malnourishment impact on economic development and good nutrition link on GDP

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by iram gull on May 26, 2013 at 10:04am

    define any three principles of organizational democracy?

    what are the aspects that sustainable to the living of poor and vulnerable?

    difference between fitness and health?

    define hertz-berg theory two points?

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

on May 27, 2013 at 12:48am

    my today paper was:

    3 quiz of 3 marks

    2 quiz of 5 marks

    1) how can a leader build the trust

    2) diff b/w hear and lisenting

    3) ingredients of a balance diet

    4) communication effectivness and importance

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HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

on May 29, 2013 at 6:30pm

    Total Questions: 27

    Total MCQs of 1 Mark: 22

    Total Short Subjective Question of 3 Marks:3

    Total Short Subjective Question of 5 Marks:2

    write a note on balance diet....3marks

     3 steps in democracy  in organization...3 marks

    steps in group formation...5 marks

    five priorities in ur life....5 marks

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

 Reply by mahnoor on May 29, 2013 at 7:58pm

    another paper HRM627
    todays my paper

    lisenting levels 3marks
    informal and formal group differnece b/w 3 marks
    define any three principles of organizational democracy 3 marks
    sources of power 5 marks
    group  cohesiveness 5 marks

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

current mid term papers 2013

    define any three principles of organizational democracy?
    what are the aspects that sustainable to the living of poor and vulnerable?
    difference between fitness and health?
    define hertz-berg theory two points?

    other paper

    my today paper was:
    3 quiz of 3 marks
    2 quiz of 5 marks
    1) how can a leader build the trust
    2) diff b/w hear and lisenting
    3) ingredients of a balance diet
    4) communication effectivness and importance

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by Ammar Ali on May 25, 2013 at 9:56pm

    my today paper was:

    3 quiz of 3 marks

    2 quiz of 5 marks

    1) how can a leader build the trust

    2) diff b/w hear and lisenting

    3) ingredients of a balance diet

    4) communication effectivness and importance

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by naveed on December 11, 2012 at 7:47pm

    well it was an easy paper comprising of 22 mcq mostly from old papers,,,thanks all to share old papers...

    3 question of 3 marks and 2 question of 5 marks.

    write a note on balance diet....3marks

     3 steps in democracy  in organization...3 marks

    steps in group formation...5 marks

    five priorities in ur life....5 marks

    one question i 4got,,,.

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

Reply by + M.Tariq Malik on November 28, 2011 at 10:27pm

    HRM 627

    Total 27 questions

    22 mcqz
    3 questions of 3 marks
    2 questions of 5 marks

    Status, job security, fringe benefits and salary are the examples of Hygiene factors? What is the reason behind naming these factors as hygiene?(3)
    What are the stages of aerobics? Explain briefly(3)
    What are the ulterior transactions? Explain them by giving an example(3)
    What are the merits and demerits of Organizational democracy?(5)
    Mostly, people think that health and fitness are the same. Do you agree or not? Justify you answer(5)

    MCQz which I remember

    Selling is a leadership _________ at task and ________ at relations.

    High- low

    Low High

    High – High


    Gestures, body movements are



    Subjective were

    What are the ulterior transactions? Explain them by giving an example(3)
    In thre rural areas which are the obstacle in human development?

    What is power and explain its sources

    Group Cohesiveness, briefly explain

    Paper was easy,

    MCQz were new to me but not very difficult

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

 Reply by + M.on November 28, 2011 at 10:27pm

    Total questions=27

    22 mcq's.marks 1

    3 Question.marks 3

    2 Question marks 5

    Almost 70% to 80% mcq's were from the past papers.

    And subjective questions i have mentioned below.

    1.What is functional team.explain with example.marks 3

    2. Write three visual sub modalities.3 marks.

    3.what the two factors in Herzberg’s theory.marks 3.

    4.Identify five aspects of sustainibility of HD affecting Poors .5 marks.

    5.last one was trust demention related.Briefly define the trust dementions. 5 marks.

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

12 PM 29/Nov/11


3#: What are Ulterior Transactions? Explain by giving an example.

3#: What are the three different levels of listening?

3# Can we say a collection of people as a Group? Mention different types of group.

5#: Differentiate between cross-functional team and functional teams.

5#: What skills do we need for becoming an effective communicator?

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student


DATED 28.11.11

Total questions=27

22 mcq's.marks 1

3 Question.marks 3

2 Question marks 5

Almost 70% to 80% mcq's were from the past papers.

And subjective questions i have mentioned below.

1.What is functional team.explain with example.marks 3

2. Write three visual sub modalities.3 marks.

3.what the two factors in Herzberg’s theory.marks 3.

4.Identify five aspects of sustainibility of HD affecting Poors .5 marks.

5.last one was trust demention related.Briefly define the trust dementions. 5 marks.

best of luck of all of you

Remember me in your prayers.

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

today's hrm627 paper....on 30-11-2011

advantages of group decision making. (03)
ulterior transaction with the halp of example. (03)
sympathetic parent ego style and complementary transaction. (05)
finess or health(05)

HRM627 mid term paper shared by student

on November 30, 2011 at 8:28pm

    Total questions=27

    22 mcq's.marks 1

    3 Question.marks 3

    2 Question marks 5

    Almost 70% to 80% mcq's were from the past papers.

    And subjective questions i have mentioned below.

    1.What is functional team.explain with example.marks 3

    2. Write three visual sub modalities.3 marks.

    3.what the two factors in Herzberg’s theory.marks 3.

    4.Identify five aspects of sustainibility of HD affecting Poors .5 marks.

    5.last one was trust demention related.Briefly define the trust dementions. 5 marks.

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