
mcm304 final term solved papers by moaaz

mcm304 final term solved papers by moaaz

mcm304 Past Paper Shared by Hamza 2012

1. What was the reason of publishing Hamood Ur Rahman commission report after 34 years? 3 marks
2. For what purpose a tape recorder can be used? 3 marks
3. What was the agreed trade policy between the Pakistan and India regarding film industry? 3 marks
4. What role computer is playing in the field of mass communication? 3 marks
5. State the difference between Mass and Public? 5 marks
6. briefly discuss the remarkable development in Television after 1960? 5 marks
7. Describe the process of evolution of films in subcontinent? 5 marks
8. What is chip? Explain its functions in Computer. 5 marks

mcm304 final term solved papers

mcm304 final term solved papers

mcm304 Past Paper Shared by Shazia 2012

Mcm304 - Spring 2012 Finals - Subjective Questions
What is Mob? - 3
What is developement communication? - 3
What is sponsership? - 3
What role computer is playing in the field of Mass Com? - 3
When VCR came to pakistan and indian movies entered in our society once again, what effects it made on our society? - 5
Describe in detail the sectariarism and extremism? - 5
Discuss different kind of documentary films that are made in pakistan? -5
Give critical analysis on Zia ul haq's rulling regime on Pakistan - 5

mcm304 final term solved papers

mcm304 final term solved papers

mcm304 Past Paper Shared by Umar 2015

These were the Subjective Questions, Which I attempted in my final paper.
For MCQs read ur handouts because those were mostly from handouts.
1. How TV glamour and advertisement affects the life of a common man? (5)
2. Why Gen. Musharraf policy against extremism was failed ? (5)
3. How radio can be helpful in Agriculture development? (5)
4. How film came in sub continent? (5)
5. Current affairs programs are important format of radio. Discuss (5)
6. What is the difference between Pakistan's film and Indian film? (3)
7. What do you know about advertising?
8. What was agreed trade policy between India and Pakistan regarding film industry?
9. What is couch potato syndrome?
I hope it will be helpful for your paper.

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mcm304 final term paper

mcm304 final term papers

mcm304 Past Paper Shared by Hafsa

My todays ppr (mcm3o4)( jo jo oprtion mjy yad h m likh rhy hoo wrna only que )
1) 28 may is
youm e tkbeer
nuclr day
defnc day

2)riots between muslim and ahmidis due to ?


3) gen yehya agreed to rvived

parlimntry systm

3)in 1928 a small trnsmtng station was setupat
4)radio celbrtd a decad in 1968 with ?

5)urdu language derivd from
Arabic and persion
6)all are international broadcast of pak expt
word servs for ovrses
extrnl servs
propaganda borcast
agricultr broadcast

7)philpin use radio for
devlpmnt program
nutrion education

8)fst war telecastd on tv was
world war 2
india pak war
Iraq war

9) dilog basd commercial is
surf exl
pemra has issued almost …… licnses t FM chnls
11) PUFJ was made in

short que
deffrnces between india and pak film
international culrur getting fame and destroy our cultr …. Discuss
brif histry of loadspeakr
how loadspeak help s in communication process
writ about wars covrge

mcm304 final term

mcm304 final term past paper

mcm304 final term

Virtual University 05-02-2020 09:11:14amView: 5036

Categories: Virtual University


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