
mgt603 assignment 1 solution

mgt603 assignment 1 solution

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mgt603 assignment 1 solution

mgt603 assignment 1 solution

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mgt603 Solution Due Date: 08-12-2020

ABC firm is a team of committed professionals, providing innovative and efficient financial solutions with the help of modern technology to create and nurture long-term relationships with the customers. The skillful employees and equal growth opportunities ensure our shareholders to invest with confidence in us"
In this mission statement three basic component are used which are:
Technology: Because this statement define that firm have strong and modern technology techniques to resolve the problems.
Concern of Employee: An other component used in the statement in such a way that our firm team is a delegating team.
Philosophy: philosophy is used in this statement which show their firm believes and values to gain trust of society.

.Enrich the daily lives of individuals, families and communities by providing quality home care products, which offer convenience, quality and affordability"
In this mission statement three basic component are used which are:
Product and Services: in this statement it is clearly mention that this firm provide home care products.
Self-Concept: it used in such a way that they mention major competitive advantage which is affordability.
Costumers: in it mentioned that individual and families are their customer which lies under costumer component.

2. identify the narrow and broad mission statements from the given statements.
According to my observation
Narrow Statement: Second statement Broad Statement: First Statement
Reason: Because in the second statement their points are only revolving around there product and qualities on the other hand in the first statement they prioritize their customer, employee, investors and their values as well.

mgt603 assignment

mgt603 assignment

mgt603 assignment

mgt603 assignment solution

mgt603 assignment solution

Virtual University 08-12-2020 08:10:07amView: 1556

Categories: Virtual University


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