FitCol Tablets (Multivitamins & iron)

Vitamins Tablets In Pakistan

tablet name is fitcol

It helps fight free radicals, maintain a healthy, Immune system for everyone.

Where to use:

1.      General debility

2.      Hospitalization

3.      Lack of immunity

4.      Use of antibiotics,

5.      Steroids & Anti-cancer therapies

6.      Stress

7.      Fatigue

8.      Pregnancy

9.      Lactation

10.  Loss of appetite

11.  Loss of libido both in men and women

12.  Impotency

13.  Menopausal symptoms

14.  Prostate disease

15.  Ulcerse

16.  Anaemia

17.  Asthma and infertility

Each Tablet Contains:

1.      Winter cherry

2.      Piper nigrum

3.      Dates

4.      Emblic mytoblan

5.      Ginger

6.      Myrobalans

7.      Chebulla

8.      Mysolanm

9.      Iron

10.  Gig

11.  Pomegranate

12.  jamun





Health 2017-10-08View: 1433

Categories: Health


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