
psy512 midterm solved papers by moaaz

psy512 midterm solved papers by moaaz

psy512 Past Paper Shared by Wardah 2013

What do you know about the differences found in communication with reagrds to gender differences? Write in detail. (5)
What is meant by sex roles? Explain with the help of examples. (5)
State briefly the gender differences found in bullying. (3)
How do you define sex typing? Elaborate.(3)
What do you know about Adrenogenital Syndrome? Describe briefly. (3)

psy512 midterm solved papers

psy512 midterm solved papers

psy512 Past Paper Shared by Shazia 2013

Biological differences between males and females are found in three ways. Enlist the differences. (1+1+1)
Briefly discuss the biological determinants of sex-typing.(3)
What differences have been found in affiliation and friendship patterns of male and females? Write briefly.(3)
Salman, a psychologist, did not give importance to thinking patterns and inner feelings while dealing with a girl who was suffering from anxiety disorder. What do you think she should have given importance to her client’s inner feelings and emotions OR not and why? By keeping in view different psychological perspectives, analyze the given situation and logically discuss your view point.(5)
What is meant by agents of socialization? Name any two of them and explain in detail how these help us to socialize in our vicinity? (2+1.5+1.5)

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psy512 midterm solved papers

psy512 midterm solved papers

psy512 Past Paper Shared by Hussain 2012

There were 32 questions in total out of which 28 were MCQ's
Some of the questions were:
1) Impact of culture on the gender development (3)
2) How has media helped men and women in socialisation? (3)
3) Define and state the age span of Gender Identification, Gender stability and Gender consistency. (5)
4) Are men and women different in expressiveness and sensitivity? Give logical arguments to support your view. (5)

psy512 midterm paper

psy512 midterm papers

psy512 Past Paper Shared by Muslimah 2011

Total 33 Questions
MCQs (28)
3 Marks Questions (3)
5 Marks Questiona (2)

MCQs mainly from Gender Development lectures and Gender Stereotyping

Q 29- Difference in male and female patterns of affiliation and friendship.
Q30- What are androgens? How their disturbed balance affect the human biengs?
Q31- Briefly explain Gender Stability with the help of examples
Q32- Explain Gender Consistence in your own words.
Q33- How male and female differ in sensitivity and expressions. Give logical points to support ur answer.

psy512 midterm

psy512 midterm past paper

psy512 midterm

psy512 Past Paper Shared by Sana 2011

Total Questions 27
MCQ's 22
Short Questions 3
Long Questions 2

Short Questions:
1. What are the brain differences in male and female. (3)
2. What are the biological determinants of sex-typing. (3)
3. How media helps in the socialization of males and females. (3)

Long Questions
1. Explain the process of gender development in the view of Humanistic Approach. (5)
2. Successful Gender-labeling does not ensure that the child will successfully adopt and understand gender roles. Discuss (5)

Virtual University 09-07-2020 06:01:39amView: 7329

Categories: Virtual University


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