
mgmt630 midterm solved papers by moaaz

mgmt630 midterm solved papers by moaaz

mgmt630 midterm solved papers

mgmt630 midterm solved papers

mgmt630 midterm solved papers pdf

mgmt630 midterm solved papers pdf

mgmt630 midterm solved papers

Mid term exam, 19 December, 2015

Total 23 Questions, long questions are:
Highlight the difference between shallow and tacit knowledge.
Briefly explain the concept of “Social Capital”.
Differentiate intelligence from memory.
What are the conditions in which deductive and inductive reasoning are preferred?
Briefly discuss knowledge value added (KVA) methodology.

Reply by MBA(MGMT) 6th Sem. on December 26, 2015 at 1:42pm

My today paper,
Briefly discuss knowledge value added (KVA) methodology 5
Discuss in detail, any two components of intellectual capital of an organization. 5
Are “knowledge management” and “reengineering” similar concepts? Justify your answer either in approval or disapproval. 5
Enlist and explain the three types of objective knowledge. 3
Discuss the salient features of cost business approach in detail. 3
total 23 questions five subjective and 18 objective type, objectives are new only 20% from old papers

Reply by MBA(MGMT) 6th Sem. on December 26, 2015 at 1:44pm

Briefly discuss knowledge value added (KVA) methodology 5
Discuss in detail, any two components of intellectual capital of an organization. 5
Are “knowledge management” and “reengineering” similar concepts? Justify your answer either in approval or disapproval. 5
Enlist and explain the three types of objective knowledge. 3
Discuss the salient features of cost business approach in detail. 3

Reply by Nuz IK (MSBA) on December 23, 2013 at 4:39pm

Today's paper
What kind of knowledge is used in each of the following activities?
Flying an airplane.
Debugging a C++ program.
An experience driver driving a car in congested traffic.
Tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge are not totally separate but mutually complementary entities. Agree or not justify it.
Differentiate b/w Market approach and real option approach?
What is internal structure family of intangible assets? Define and relate competency with knowledge
Basic beliefs in tacit and explicit management approach
for mcq's read handouts carefully, concepts must be cleared
all da best

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Reply by Salman on December 28, 2013 at 10:32am

Concepts shall be clear for MCQs.
Miz of straight forward and conceptual objectives.
Sunjectives were.
1.describe three steps involved in filing / maintaining knowledge assets.
2. Ignorance increases with increase in knowledge. Discuss
3.Social Capital
4.Poor KM reduces effectiveness of worker in processes.
5. Internal to external knowledge sharing. individual to outside firms.
Best of luck

Reply by Asif on May 27, 2013 at 12:42pm

there were 27 questions in which 22 were MCQs, 3 questions were of 3 marks and 2 were of 5 marks.
mostly MCQs were from past papers, long questions are as below:
write any three reasons why organizations needs knowledge management -- 3 marks
how knowledge assets can be fill and maintain -- 3 marks
write steps of approaching knowledge value added (KVA) -- 3 marks
differentiate semantic and episodic knowledge with examples -- 5 marks
write the three fundamental assumptions of Knowledge-Value-Added theory with the help of example -- 5 marks

Reply by Emmi on December 9, 2010 at 10:52am

Here are my long questions Miss Maria. Hope these will help you in your preparations.
1. What are the key Attributes of Intelligent Behavior (3 Marks)
2. Write steps approaches to Knowldege Value Added (3 Marks)
3. What are the challanges being faced by Knowledge Management? State any Five of them (5 Marks)
4. What are the benefits of monitoring and measuring Knowledge Usage? (5 Marks)
5. What is the purpose of Balance Scorecard? (5 Marks)
If possible share also your long questions for the rest of the selfish group memebers who don't like to share their knowledge despite of knowing that "Knowlege is increased as being shared with others".
Wish you all the best for your MGMT630 exam.

Reply by M.I on December 9, 2010 at 6:04pm

my todays paper
types of human learning 3 marks
define following
information based perspective
Technology based perspective
culture based perspective 3marks
knowledge value added mathodology 5 marks
types of specific learning any two 5 marks
KVA ka ak question tha that i 4 get
plz all of u share ur current paper to help others
Maria Iqbal


1. Purpose of KM? 3 Marks
2. Define business to business (B2B) portals? 3 Marks
3. Define the term Ba? Write four characteristics of Ba in SECI model? 5 Marks
4. Differentiate semantic and episodic knowledge with examples. 5 Marks
5. What is the importance of knowledge and why do we neeed to manage it? 5 Marks
6. Disadvantages of working with multiple experts? 5 Marks
7. According to Peter Senge, what are the five learning disciplines that make an organization learning organization? 5 Marks

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